
English abstract for the student conference 2007: Progresive solution of communication services in the enviroment of wireless networks based on the Flarion technologyResearch thesis for the student conference 2007 (in slovak): Progresívne riešenie komunikačných služieb v prostredí bezdrôtových sietí na báze technológie FlarionResearch thesis for the student conference 2007 (in slovak): Koncept bezpečného riešenia WiFi pre akademickú sféru

Article in the special edition of NetAcad Newsletter, NetAcad conference ČR/SR 2007, page 7, CASE STUDY: Internet bez hraníc — riešenie WiFi v gymnáziu v Stropkove English version of this article, page 5

Article in the Infoware magazine dedicated to the comparison of VMware and XEN Original version of this article – more detailed Some photos dedicated to the article Table of results, XEN Enterprise vs. open-source XEN Table of results, other tests

!!! Demonstration video of my prototype of the FIRST EVER mobile communicator for the Flash-OFDM technology

MANIAC devel system installed on Ubuntu 6.06 – VMware virtual machine image !!! Winner of the Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Interoperability and Cooperation /MANIAC/ Challenge Strategy award Paper for the Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Interoperability and Cooperation /MANIAC/ Challenge Slovak article about this victory. /itnews.sk/ Short info about our participation on the MANIAC Challenge 2007 – slovak version Documentaristic story about our participation on the MANIAC Challenge 2007 – slovak version Our paper about our upgraded Live and let live strategy, submited for the EXPONWIRELESS 2008 the 3rd IEEE workshop on advanced experimental activities on wireless networks & systems Paper submited for the 8th Scientific Conference of Young Researchers (SCYR) – „MANIAC: Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Interoperability and Cooperation: THE LIVE AND LET LIVE STRATEGY“ OLSR-NG ported to the Android platform – running in real network on T-Mobile G1 ! MANIAC 09 slides

Story about the initial Windows User Group (WUG) meeting in Kosice (18.3. 2008), where I act as one of the main organizators (slovak only)

Project for the Konto Orange „Máš pocit, že máš na viac?“ grant program about the Transparent BitTorrent Proxy/Cache server Project for the „Hlava roka“ competiotion about the P2P Proxy/cache ITA09 P2P Proxy/Cache paper ITA09 P2P Proxy/Cache slides IIT.SRC 2010 – Project Proxy/Cache: Eliminating Redundancy – Internet’s Number One Enemy

Currently working on : Please visit my project site.

hacking things – protocols, OS kernels, drivers, reverse engineering and such funny stuff 🙂 running, body-building, martial arts travelling and foreign languages
Počet pozretí: 1883