Head of CNL:
doc. Ing. František Jakab, PhD.
Team leader:
Ing. Miroslav Michalko, PhD.
Research Objectives:
- Integration and development of new technologies in the transfer of multimedia information on the Internet
- Problems in IP streaming, IPTV, delivery of multimedia content to mobile devices, mobile communications
- Search engines and building of problem-oriented multimedia objects archives
- Videoconferencing communications of the new generations
- Real-time detection and tracking of object in video
- Interactive interfaces in ICT systems
Research group members (2017/2018):
PhD. students:
Students (CNL):
Project Research Activities:
- Competency Centre for Knowledge technologies applied in Innovation of Production Systems in Industry and Services (2011-2014): RD of knowledge-based technologies for service innovation: Interactivity in delivering sophisticated multimedia services over IP TV (cooperation with Antik Telecom)
- University Science Park TECHNICOM for innovative applications with support of knowledge technologies (2013-2015): Building a laboratory innovative-incubation center for applied research in the field of cloud technologies, applications and services: Applied research in advanced IPTV, streaming and community solutions of new generations, detection and prevention against various types of abnormal behavior.
Internal Project Activities: - Experimental multimedia content delivery system serves as a internal experimental pilot solution for the needs of the TUKE educational community (http://multimedia.cnl.sk)
- Experimental telepresence network in Slovakia (http://tp.cnl.sk): a unique pilot network of telepresence centers in SVK
Internal Project Activities:
Solved PhD Theses:
Solved Master Theses:
Solved Bachelor Theses:
Other Research Activities:
Mobile streaming server, tracking algorithms, development of hw set for streaming